The Little World Camp was established in April 2003 by students of the Tsufu Hiroshi Seminar at the Faculty of International Relations, Shizuoka Prefectural University. It was created with the aim of fostering mutual understanding between children with connections to foreign countries living in Shizuoka Prefecture and Japanese children. Encouraged by the words of the participating children who said, 'We want you to do this again next year,' the Little World Camp Executive Committee was established as an official circle of Shizuoka Prefectural University
私たちの住む静岡県は、在日外国人、特に日系ブラジル人の多い県として知られ、さまざまな文化をもつ人々と共に生きていくことが課題となっています。しかし、日本人である私たちと、在日外国人の方々とは、接触する機会が多くなく、お互いの文化を十分に理解できていないのが現状です。そこで私たちは、さまざまな文化をもつ人々が共に生きることができる静岡県をつくる為に、「多文化共生キャンプ リトルワールドキャンプ 」を企画・運営しています。
In Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, there is a significant population of foreign residents, particularly Japanese-Brazilians, making it known as a multicultural prefecture. Living together with people from various cultures poses a challenge. However, there are limited opportunities for interaction between us, the Japanese, and foreign residents, hindering a thorough understanding of each other's cultures. Therefore, we are planning and operating the 'Multicultural Coexistence Camp - Little World Camp' to create a Shizuoka where people with diverse cultures can live together.
Through planning and operating the Multicultural Coexistence Camp, we aim to provide opportunities for children living in Shizuoka Prefecture to become aware of and accept interactions with diverse cultures in their vicinity.